Saturday, July 25, 2020

Google for Educator Certified Innovator???

Well I did it, I applied and was DENIED!! What a let down but in my heart it wasn't my time. I just recently entered this EdTech world and I need to learn so much more. I was too scared my "How might we" how would I prepared to present it to the world. 

Now that it is over I will share my "HMW" How might we get urban teachers in Title 1 schools into the digital age to address a component of the digital divide?  This is related to my experience and other Title 1 educators experience exposed during the pandemic. We thought we were up to date. We were Tech gurus in our schools but we were not exposed to the digital tools that could be used to give our students an opportunity to have an equitable education. Even in my home district it is interesting that schools within the same district had access to different resources and it was not only the students it was the teachers. Staff in different schools within the same district given access to different professional development. In Title 1 schools we spend money on consultants from scripted programs and train us how to use scripted programs. It is like they don't trust teachers or is this a systemic method to keep quality education out of Title 1 schools. Then when the scores come out they blame the teachers but the curriculum is scripted with little deviation. How are we blamed but these scripted programs continue to make millions. With edtech training now teachers are exposed to  to tools to help make content accessible for ALL. Teachers can then use their pedagogical knowledge and tech knowledge to design curriculum that will fit the needs of the students in the classes that they teach. My project was one where I would be examining ways to bring Title 1 urban educators into the digital age. 

I am now reflecting on what I can do on my end to work with these educators to bring about radical change in how our Title 1 students are taught content. Not getting Innovator was a set back but not a STOP it was a not now in that arena but now I have to look at other ways I can get this important message out there. 
NOW for information on the process


STEP 1: Make a decision that this is what you want and know your WHY?
STEP 2: Look for a challenge in education that you would like to tackle? Create a HOW MIGHT WE statement.
STEP 3: Be able to articulate the challenge
STEP 4: Interview another educator - you will write about this interview
STEP 5: Be able to show your digital EdTech journey
STEP 6: Create a video 2 minutes

The application process was stressful. I second guessed myself every step of the way. I redid my video a thousand times. BUT what I didn't do was put it out there. I did not get feedback from others. 


1. Digital footprint - BLOG, WEBSITE, YOUTUBE I need to put my voice out there

Going forward these are the things that I will be doing. Whether or not I was selected does not change the need. I want to be an advocate for my fellow Title 1 urban educators. I did not write this blog post immediately afterwards I needed time to reflect. The denial does not stop me only I can stop me. My students need me to be an advocate for Title 1 urban educators so they can give them the quality education that they deserve!!!


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